Table of Contents:

Spectral Clustering

\subsection{Graph Partitioning} \begin{itemize} \item Graph-cut problem: partition graph such that (1) edges between groups have a very low weight, and (2) edges within a group have high weight \item Could use \textbf{Ratio Cut} (by size of the component) or the \textbf{Normalized Cut} (or by volume of the component, aka the sum of degrees) \item Penalize using very small components, or very large components \item These are NP-hard combinatorial problems. But Spectral clustering offers a way to solve the relaxation version of these problems \item NCut -> use random-walk laplacian \item RatioCut -> use unnormalized laplacian \item 2-partition: assign by vector values of Fiedler vectors $\in \mathbbm{R}$, which ones $\in \mathbbm{R}+$, or in $\mathbbm{R}-$ \item Can apply k-means or standard clustering algorithm on the embedded points (transform graph clustering into a point clustering problem!). Take you into point cloud setting \item K-means minimizes the distortion measure/energy \begin{equation} J = \sum\limits_j \sum\limits_k r_{ji}(y_j - \mu_i)^2 ?? \end{equation} \item Centroid already minimizes the sum of squared distances \item Can only reduce energy in every step (locally converge to minimum) \item Can discover number of clusters that you need – look at gap between eigenvalues, where is there a large gap $|\lambda_k - \lambda_{k-1}|$. \item Eigenvalues drop fast, then stabilize \item Spectral clustering can cluster spirals of points, where k-nearest neighbors in this space would epicly fail \item Look at data at a very different way… Even though data comes from a Euclidean space, easier to understand in the spectral space \item edge weight $\mbox{exp} (-diff(pixel_{i}, pixel_j)/t^2 )$ \item Get reasonable, but not perfect, results for 3d segmentation \item Fast and efficient with decent results \end{itemize}


[1] Leonidas Guibas. Graph Laplacians, Laplacian Embeddings, and Spectral Clustering. Lectures of CS233: Geometric and Topological Data Analysis, taught at Stanford University in Spring 2018.