Rodrigues' Formula
Alternate Perspective: The Lie Algebra Connects Spatial Coordinates and Spatial Velocities
The Lie Algebra maps spatial coordinates to spatial velocity.
In the case of \(SO(3)\), the Lie Algebra is the space of skew-symmetric matrices
Rigid Body Kinematics: we want a differential equation (ODE) that links \(\vec{\omega}\) and \({}^{^w}R_b\)
in particular, \({}^{^w} \dot{R}_r = f({}^{^w}R_b, \vec{\omega})\)
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{ \partial }{\partial t}(R^R = I) \\ \dot{R}^TR + R^T \dot{R} = 0 \\ \dot{R}^TR = -R^T \dot{R} \end{aligned}\]we define \(\Omega = R^T \dot{R}\)
\[\Omega^T = (R^T \dot{R} )^T = \dot{R}^TR = -R^T \dot{R} = -\Omega\]Skew-symmetric! \(\Omega^T = -\Omega\)
In fact,
\[\Omega = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -\omega_z & \omega_y \\ \omega_z & 0 & -\omega_x \\ -\omega_y & \omega_x & 0 \end{bmatrix}\]where \(\vec{\omega} = \begin{bmatrix} \omega_x \\ \omega_y \\ \omega_z \end{bmatrix}\) is the angular velocity
Notation! the “hat” map
\[\bar{\omega}^{\hat{}} =\Omega\]the “v” map
\[\Omega^{v} = \bar{\omega}\]So we have
\[\begin{aligned} \dot{R} = R \Omega \\ \Omega = \bar{\omega}^{\hat{}} \end{aligned}\]In terms of frames, we have Poisson’s kinematic equation.
The intrinsic equation is (where \(\vec{\omega}_b\) in the body frame is \(\Omega_b\)):
\[{}^{^w}\dot{R}_b = {}^{^w}R_b \Omega_b\]The “strap-down” equation (extrinsic)
\[{}^{^b}\dot{R}_w = - \Omega_b {}^{^b}R_w\]Take vector on aircraft, put it into the coordinate frame of the world
\[{}_{^w}R_b = \begin{bmatrix} | & | & | \\ {}^{^w} \hat{x}_b & {}^{^w}\hat{y}_b & {}^{^w} \hat{z}_b \\ | & | & | \end{bmatrix}\] \[\Omega \vec{v}_b = \omega \times \vec{v}_b\]Can we use this for filtering? Can we use \(\dot{R} = R \Omega\) directly in an EKF, UKF We’d have to turn it into discrete-time Naively, you might do the first order Euler approximation:
\[\frac{ R_{t + \delta_t} -R_t}{\delta t} \approx R_t \Omega_t\]This does not work!
You won’t maintain orthogonality! The defining property of \(SO(3)\) was orthogonality, so
\[R_{t + \delta t} \not\in SO(3)\]and pretty soon
\[\begin{aligned} R_{t + \delta t}^T R_{t + \delta t} \neq I \\ \mbox{det }(R_{t+\delta t}) \neq +1 \end{aligned}\]The 3x3 matrix will not be recognizable of a rotation
Manifolds: SO(2)
SO(2), 2x2 matrices, with determinant one, orthogonal, 1 dimensional manifold in a 4 dimensional space. (c,s) in R^2, lie algebra is the tangent space at the origin. Tangent Bundle. Can get tangent space at a single point R. every tangent space is a rotated copy of that lie algebra
Manifolds: 3d Lines
(R, p) R has 9 numbers, 3d rotation p is 2d in xy plane embedding space is R 11
but 4d manifold
Tangent space is TL_p, isomorphic to R4. THERE IS no lie algebra since this is not a lie group.
exponential map takes us from tangent space to the manifold
retract for any manifold takes us from tangent space to the manifold
Rigid Body Kinematics and Filtering
Kinematics with Euler Angles
\[\dot{R} = f(R, \vec{w}), (\dot{\phi}, \dot{\theta}, \dot{\psi}) = f(\phi, \theta, \psi, \vec{\omega})\] \[\vec{\omega} = \begin{bmatrix} w_x \\ w_y \\ w_z \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & -\mbox{sin} \theta \\ 0 & \mbox{cos} \phi & \mbox{sin} \phi \mbox{cos} \phi \\ 0 & -\mbox{sin} \phi & \mbox{cos} \phi \mbox{cos} \theta \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \dot{\phi} \\ \dot{\theta} \\ \dot{\psi} \end{bmatrix}\]We want to invert this matrix and solve for \(\begin{bmatrix} \dot{\phi} \\ \dot{\theta} \\ \dot{\psi} \end{bmatrix}\)
def Rodrigues(v: np.ndarray, k: np.ndarray, theta: float):
""" rotate vector v about axis k (unit vector) """
k /= np.linalg.norm(k)
c = np.cos(theta)
s = np.sin(theta)
v_rot = v*c + np.cross(k,v)*s + k*(*(1-c)
return v_rot

# z points up
v = np.array([-2.,0,1.])
k = np.array([0,0,1.])
theta = np.deg2rad(90 + 45)
v_rot = Rodrigues(v,k,theta)
Install Mayavi per instructions here.
More Derivations
\end{itemize} \subsection{June 5: Rodrigues} \begin{itemize} \item As we have seen before, we can simulate with a first order approximation
\begin{equation} \begin{bmatrix} \phi_{t + \delta t}
\theta_{t + \delta t}
\psi_{t + \delta t}
\end{bmatrix} \approx \begin{bmatrix} \phi_t \ \theta_t \ \psi_t \end{bmatrix} + \delta_t f(\phi, \theta, \psi, \vec{\omega}) + w_t \end{equation} where $w_t$ is your process noise (whitened Gaussian) and we can use EKF, UKF, PF
\end{itemize} \subsection{Euler’s Rotation Theorem and Angle-Axis Representation} \begin{itemize}
\item Rotation about a specific axis $\vec{a}$, through some angle $\phi$
\begin{equation} axis = \vec{a} = \begin{bmatrix} a_x \ a_y \ a_z \end{bmatrix} \end{equation}
\item Static notion of orientation (not obvious how you got to that new orientation) \item But there is always an angle and an axis to get there
\item How do we relate $\vec{a}$ and $\phi$? \item We have $|\vec{a}| = 1$ because it is just a direction \item What is the function \(\leftidx{^w}R_b = f(\vec{a}, \phi)\) \item Rodrigues’ Formula: (you give me angle and axis, I give you the rotation matrix it represents)
\[\leftidx{^w}R_b = I + \vec{a}^{\wedge} \mbox{sin}(\phi) + \Big(1 - \mbox{cos}(\phi) \Big) (\vec{a}^{\wedge})^2\]where \begin{equation} a^{\wedge} = \vec{a} \times (\cdots) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -a_z & a_y \ a_z & 0 & -a_x \ -a_y & a_x & 0 \end{bmatrix} \end{equation} \item Motion from initial frame to final frame.
\item Consider a point fixed in the body $\vec{p}_t$, a function of time. \item Initially, in body frame \begin{equation} \vec{p}(0) = \vec{p}_b \end{equation} we will end up at \begin{equation} \vec{p}(T) = \vec{p}_w \end{equation} (in the world frame) \item Kinematics of this point:
Start in the body frame $F_b$ \begin{equation} \vec{p} = (\frac{ \partial \vec{p} }{ \partial t})_{F_b} + \vec{w} \times \vec{p} \end{equation} \item Since point is fixed in the body,
\begin{equation} (\frac{ \partial \vec{p} }{ \partial t})_{F_b} = 0 \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \vec{p} = \Omega \vec{p} = \omega^{\wedge} \vec{p} \end{equation}
\item $\omega$ is your rotation rate (angular velocity). We let \begin{equation} \frac{\vec{w}}{| \vec{\omega} |} = \vec{a} \end{equation} This is the direction of the angular velocity. We want \begin{equation} | \vec{\omega} | T = \phi \end{equation} so \begin{equation} \vec{w} = \frac{ \vec{a}\phi }{T} \end{equation}
\item The Diff. Eqn (ODE) in $\vec{p}$:
\begin{equation} \dot{\vec{p}} = \vec{a}^{\wedge} \frac{\phi}{T} \vec{p} \end{equation} \item Linear ODE \item
\begin{equation} \dot{\vec{p}} = A \vec{p} \end{equation}
Solution via the matrix exponential \begin{equation} \vec{p}(t) = e^{At} \vec{p}(0) \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \vec{p}(T) = \vec{p}_w = \mbox{exp}( \vec{a}^{\wedge} \frac{\phi}{T}T ) \vec{p}_b \end{equation}
\item Related through the exponential map, simplifying to
\begin{equation} \vec{p}(T) = \vec{p}_w = \mbox{exp}( \vec{a}^{\wedge} \phi ) \vec{p}_b \end{equation} \item \(\leftidx{^w}R_b = \mbox{exp}(\vec{a}^{\wedge} \phi)\) where $(\vec{a}, \phi)$ are in exponential coordinates \item Taylor Series expansion of this guy, evaluated at 0, along with some work, will get us
\begin{equation} e^{\vec{a}^{\wedge} \phi} = I + (\vec{a}^{\wedge} \phi) + \frac{1}{2!}(\vec{a}^{\wedge} \phi)^2 + \frac{1}{3!}(\vec{a}^{\wedge} \phi)^3 + \dots \end{equation}
\item Try to put exponential series into sine and cosine (odd -sin and even -cosine terms)
\item Note:
\begin{equation} (\vec{a}^{\wedge})^2 = \vec{a} \vec{a}^T - I \end{equation}
\textbf{Proof by Demonstration}:
\item When we expand this out, we find \begin{equation} (\vec{a}^{\wedge})^2 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -a_z & a_y \ a_z & 0 &-a_x \ -a_y & a_x & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -a_z & a_y \ a_z & 0 &-a_x \ -a_y & a_x & 0 \end{bmatrix} \end{equation}
and when we expand out $\vec{a}\vec{a}^T -I$ we see it’s identical since $\vec{a}$ is a unit vector.
$\vec{a}\vec{a}^T \vec{a}^{\wedge}$ \item Take the transpose of the whole thing, $\Bigg((\vec{a}^{\wedge})^T \vec{a}\vec{a}^T\Bigg)^T$
and a skew symmetric matrix is a cross product. $\vec{a}^{\wedge} = (\vec{a} \times \vec{a}$
\begin{equation} (\vec{a}^{\wedge})^3 = - \vec{a}^{\wedge} \end{equation}
Thus we end up that every even power of $\vec{a}^{\wedge})^i = \pm (\vec{a})^2$ \item Then any odd power
\begin{equation} (\vec{a}^{\wedge})^i \pm \vec{a}^{\wedge} \end{equation}
\item odds: \begin{equation} \phi - \frac{1}{3!}\phi^3 + \frac{1}{5!} \phi^5 - \frac{1}{7}\phi^7) \vec{a}^{\wedge} \end{equation}
\item evens \begin{equation} \frac{1}{2!}\phi^2 - \frac{1}{4!} \phi^4 + \frac{1}{6}\phi^6 -\frac{1}{8}\phi^8 ) (\vec{a}^{\wedge})^2 \end{equation} This reduces to $(1-\mbox{cos} \phi)$
\end{itemize} \subsection{How to use Angle-Axis }
\begin{equation} \phi = \mbox{cos}^{-1} \Bigg( \frac{ \mbox{Tr}() }{2}\Bigg) \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \vec{a} = \frac{1}{2 \mbox{sin} \phi} \begin{bmatrix} (R_b^w){32} - (R_b^w){23}
(R_b^w){13} - (R_b^w){31} \ (R_b^w){21} - (R_b^w){12}
\end{bmatrix} \end{equation}
import pdb
from typing import List, NamedTuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mayavi
from mayavi import mlab
from argoverse.visualization.mayavi_utils import (
SUBDIVISION: THESE ARE INCORRECT: students can fix and use
def B(A, B, C, s: float):
B: a tucked B towards its neighbors (PNT)"""
P2j = (s*A + (8-2*s)*B + s*C)
return P2j / 8
def F(
A: np.ndarray,
B: np.ndarray,
C: np.ndarray,
D: np.ndarray,
s: float
) -> np.ndarray:
PNT: returns a bulged mid-edge point
P2j_ = (s-1)*A + (9-s)*B + (9-s)*C + (s-1)*D
return P2j_ / 16
# using PNT P(PNT A, PNT B) {return P((A.x+B.x)/2.0,(A.y+B.y)/2.0,(A.z+B.z)/2.0); } // (A+B)/2
def load_pts1():
""" """
return np.array(
def load_pts2():
""" """
return np.array(
def plot_polyloop(polyline: np.ndarray, color: str):
""" Accept Nx3 point array, form polyloop """
pl = np.vstack([polyline,polyline[0]])
plt.scatter(pl[:,0], pl[:,1], 10, c=color, marker='.')
plt.plot(pl[:,0], pl[:,1], c=color)
def cross(U, V):
""" UxV cross product (normal to both)
Ux, Uy, Uz = U
Vx, Vy, Vz = V
return np.array([
def twistFreeQuadMesh(points):
twist-free normal propagation
constant-radius tubes, each as a twist-free quad-mesh with checkerboard coloring.
4 quads, 5 quads with stripes instead of a checkerboard pattern, and 6quads
points: polyloop vertices
#divide unit circle into 6 points
#form quad from corresponding points
fig = mayavi.mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1600, 1000))
n_pts = points.shape[0]
Y = np.zeros((n_pts,))
T = np.zeros((n_pts,))
N = np.zeros((n_pts,))
for i in range(n_pts):
A = points[i]
B = points[(i+1) % n_pts]
C = points[(i+2) % n_pts]
AB = normalize(B - A)
BA = normalize(A - B)
BC = normalize(C - B)
N[i] = cross(BA,BC)
N[i] = normalize(N[i])
[points[i], points[i] + N[i]],
line_width = 10
T[i] = cross(AB,N)
[points[i], points[i] + T[i]],
line_width = 10
x = Y[i-1].dot(T[i-1])
y = Y[i-1].dot(N[i])
Y[i] = x * T[i] + y * N[i]
[points[i], points[i] + Y[i]],
line_width = 10
fig = draw_coordinate_frame_at_origin(fig)
#l = mayavi.mlab.plot3d(x, y, z, np.sin(mu), tube_radius=0.025, colormap="Spectral")
class VectorFrame:
def __init__(self, o,t,n):
self.o = o # origin
self.t = t # tangent
self.r = n # rotational axis
self.n = normalize(cross(t,n))
def getOrthonormalFrame(points: np.ndarray, i: int):
""" """
n_pts = points.shape[0]
A = points[i]
B = points[(i+1) % n_pts]
C = points[(i+2) % n_pts]
AB = normalize(B - A)
BA = normalize(A - B)
BC = normalize(C - B)
N = cross(BA,BC)
N = normalize(N)
return VectorFrame(o=A,t=AB,n=N)
def getRotationMinimizingFrame(points: np.ndarray):
""" """
n_pts = points.shape[0]
# Start off with the standard tangent/axis/normal frame
# associated with the curve
frames = [getOrthonormalFrame(points, -1)]
# start constructing RM frames
for i in range(n_pts):
# start with the previous, known frame
x0 = frames[-1]
# get the next frame
# we're going to throw away its axis and normal
x1 = getOrthonormalFrame(points, i)
# First we reflect x0's tangent and axis onto x1, through
# the plane of reflection at the point midway x0--x1
v1 = x1.o - x0.o
c1 =
riL = x0.r - v1 * (2/c1) *
tiL = x0.t - v1 * (2/c1) *
# Then we reflect a second time, over a plane at x1
# so that the frame tangent is aligned with the curve tangent:
v2 = x1.t - tiL
c2 =
x1.r = riL - v2 * (2/c2) *
x1.n = cross(x1.r,x1.t)
# we record that frame, and move on
frames += [x1]
# and before we return, we throw away the very first frame,
frames = frames[1:]
angle_diff = get_angle_between(frames[0].r, frames[-1].r)
if not np.allclose(Rodrigues(frames[-1].r, frames[-1].t, angle_diff), frames[0].r):
angle_diff = np.pi*2 - angle_diff
print('Angle diff: ', np.rad2deg(angle_diff))
num_frames = len(frames)
theta = angle_diff / (num_frames - 1)
# remove twists between end-point and start-point
for i, frame in enumerate(frames):
frames[i].r = Rodrigues(v=frame.r,k=frame.t,theta=theta*i)
frames[i].n = Rodrigues(v=frame.n,k=frame.t,theta=theta*i)
fig = mayavi.mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1600, 1000))
draw_coordinate_frames = True
if draw_coordinate_frames:
for frame in frames:
[frame.o, frame.o + frame.t],
line_width = 10
[frame.o, frame.o + frame.r],
line_width = 10
[frame.o, frame.o + frame.n],
line_width = 10
# draw the hexagon quad mesh
for frame in frames:
points = get_ngon_points(frame.o, frame.n, frame.r, n=6, radius=1)
fig = draw_coordinate_frame_at_origin(fig)
return frames
def get_angle_between(a,b):
""" Get angle between two 3d vectors, account for CW vs. CCW orientation"""
angle_diff = np.arccos( / (np.linalg.norm(a) * np.linalg.norm(b)) )
return angle_diff
def test_get_angle_between():
a = np.array([1,0,0])
b = np.array([0,1,0])
theta_rad = get_angle_between(a,b)
theta_deg = np.rad2deg(theta_rad)
assert np.isclose(theta_deg, 90)
a = np.array([1,0,0])
b = np.array([-1,-1,0])
theta_rad = get_angle_between(a,b)
theta_deg = np.rad2deg(theta_rad)
assert np.isclose(theta_deg, 225)
def normalize(v: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
assert v.size == 3
return v / np.linalg.norm(v)
def test_twistFreeQuadMesh1():
""" """
# vertices of polyloop
polyloop = np.array(
def test_twistFreeQuadMesh2():
""" """
polyloop = load_pts1_JSpline4() / 100
def test_twistFreeQuadMesh3():
""" """
polyloop = load_pts1_JSpline4() / 100
#polyloop = load_pts2_JSpline5() / 100
#polyloop = load_pts2_JSpline3() / 100
def load_pts1_JSpline3():
return np.array(
[515.90125 , -134.41925 , 178.68292],
[572.69543 , -175.80655 , 170.50702],
[625.40436 , -231.97215 , 165.62088],
[665.8761 , -297.14185 , 167.44434],
[686.83704 , -364.89984 , 178.59827],
[683.34644 , -429.7468 , 199.52708],
[654.2506 , -488.65726 , 227.1211],
[601.3314 , -540.27576 , 256.47183],
[528.4545 , -584.11304 , 282.62775],
[440.7178 , -619.7417 , 302.34943],
[343.59955 , -645.99274 , 315.86517],
[242.79825 , -660.8927 , 325.22302],
[144.07219 , -661.6023 , 332.64294],
[53.07941 , -644.35333 , 338.86893],
[-24.782658 , -604.3875 , 341.52106],
[-85.463776 , -537.66943 , 337.21997],
[-127.347404 , -442.6007 , 323.7109],
[-152.33727 , -321.73343 , 301.98853],
[-166.94391 , -183.48413 , 278.4209],
[-179.4609 , -39.26005 , 261.48688],
[-197.14093 , 99.41425 , 258.5132],
[-223.37198 , 223.7706 , 272.41183],
[-254.85349 , 330.67065 , 298.41705],
[-284.18073 , 420.87933 , 327.65784],
[-302.42896 , 497.33786 , 350.73004],
[-301.7378 , 563.43744 , 361.26895],
[-277.89554 , 621.29224 , 359.52136],
[-229.94601 , 671.8601 , 349.8966],
[-159.79567 , 715.06366 , 338.5172],
[-71.820526 , 749.9107 , 330.77008],
[27.526917 , 774.615 , 328.85696],
[130.82475 , 787.18854 , 332.76736],
[230.78876 , 786.0333 , 341.25073],
[321.37946 , 770.53394 , 352.78918],
[398.9092 , 741.6489 , 366.57004],
[461.48468 , 701.4206 , 381.93915],
[508.44928 , 652.4837 , 397.85486],
[539.8255 , 597.5744 , 412.34125],
[555.7575 , 539.03955 , 421.94196],
[556.5006 , 478.63232 , 422.99908],
[542.411 , 417.30777 , 412.93243],
[513.9356 , 355.01886 , 391.5183],
[471.6015 , 290.512 , 362.16882],
[416.93842 , 222.29279 , 330.23953],
[353.40103 , 149.59183 , 301.33685],
[287.29144 , 73.330475 , 279.62598],
[228.68134 , -2.9134274 , 266.13846],
[188.1731 , -74.13457 , 259.70215],
[173.66034 , -135.12927 , 257.87134],
[187.08885 , -181.72461 , 257.8568],
[221.2174 , -212.00735 , 257.45575],
[264.03674 , -225.95793 , 255.12393],
[303.18866 , -225.08386 , 250.04745],
[330.3852 , -212.05359 , 242.21494],
[345.82724 , -190.3303 , 232.48944],
[355.11816 , -164.04568 , 222.12576],
[366.17676 , -137.87402 , 212.28795],
[386.15033 , -116.90614 , 203.56647],
[418.32794 , -106.523285 , 195.49582],
[462.59723 , -111.38541 , 187.30743]
def load_pts1_JSpline4():
return np.array(
[516.55566 , -137.86052 , 178.76704],
[544.2798 , -156.14827 , 174.71179],
[571.92944 , -178.57748 , 171.12386],
[598.5398 , -204.63254 , 168.37643],
[623.10986 , -233.66042 , 166.87892],
[644.6481 , -264.91928 , 167.03386],
[662.2178 , -297.62714 , 169.1938],
[674.9828 , -331.01074 , 173.61835],
[682.2523 , -364.354 , 180.43106],
[683.52747 , -397.04684 , 189.57643],
[678.5454 , -428.63367 , 200.77682],
[667.25385 , -458.78864 , 213.58728],
[649.7837 , -487.29 , 227.45049],
[626.42285 , -513.9955 , 241.75153],
[597.58936 , -538.8168 , 255.8728],
[563.80493 , -561.6947 , 269.24887],
[525.66833 , -582.5739 , 281.42133],
[483.8286 , -601.3778 , 292.09357],
[438.95874 , -617.9834 , 301.1858],
[391.75043 , -632.2194 , 308.78345],
[342.909 , -643.8644 , 315.08557],
[293.14865 , -652.64453 , 320.3536],
[243.18735 , -658.232 , 324.85968],
[193.74173 , -660.24286 , 328.8351],
[145.52219 , -658.23505 , 332.41907],
[99.2278 , -651.70667 , 335.60693],
[55.54142 , -640.0939 , 338.19882],
[15.095616 , -622.8245 , 339.86603],
[-21.56123 , -599.37146 , 340.21732],
[-53.998894 , -569.3065 , 338.86548],
[-81.93925 , -532.3537 , 335.49347],
[-105.29024 , -488.4429 , 329.92102],
[-124.179825 , -437.76346 , 322.1709],
[-138.98993 , -380.8177 , 312.5354],
[-150.39041 , -318.4743 , 301.64255],
[-159.25082 , -251.87888 , 290.35437],
[-166.5521 , -182.36386 , 279.6647],
[-173.29845 , -111.35881 , 270.59744],
[-180.42899 , -40.300636 , 264.10443],
[-188.72949 , 29.456234 , 260.96356],
[-198.74426 , 96.72964 , 261.67676],
[-210.68774 , 160.59949 , 266.3681],
[-224.35645 , 220.49754 , 274.68182],
[-239.20947 , 276.1535 , 285.8939],
[-254.44957 , 327.54102 , 299.0237],
[-269.10358 , 374.82367 , 312.9458],
[-282.1034 , 418.3012 , 326.50122],
[-292.36676 , 458.35516 , 338.6095],
[-298.8778 , 495.3955 , 348.38007],
[-300.76807 , 529.8063 , 355.22388],
[-297.39697 , 561.89154 , 358.9652],
[-288.33984 , 591.8795 , 359.765],
[-273.37543 , 619.92596 , 358.04437],
[-252.47365 , 646.1183 , 354.408],
[-225.78336 , 670.4793 , 349.5676],
[-193.62004 , 692.9706 , 344.2656],
[-156.45352 , 713.4968 , 339.19827],
[-114.89569 , 731.90906 , 334.93945],
[-69.68822 , 748.0089 , 331.86395],
[-21.667969 , 761.5668 , 330.17783],
[28.267614 , 772.3405 , 329.94885],
[79.19511 , 780.0936 , 331.13702],
[130.19966 , 784.6144 , 333.6248],
[180.40965 , 785.73364 , 337.2474],
[229.03128 , 783.34375 , 341.82358],
[275.38303 , 777.4171 , 347.1855],
[318.9305 , 768.0242 , 353.20966],
[359.26886 , 755.31866 , 359.79932],
[396.10526 , 739.52203 , 366.86783],
[429.24176 , 720.90814 , 374.32132],
[458.55762 , 699.7877 , 382.04163],
[483.992 , 676.49335 , 389.86942],
[505.52646 , 651.3639 , 397.58685],
[523.1676 , 624.7291 , 404.9007],
[536.9297 , 596.89465 , 411.42517],
[546.8342 , 568.13513 , 416.72192],
[552.9096 , 538.6885 , 420.34003],
[555.19086 , 508.74878 , 421.85593],
[553.7195 , 478.46033 , 420.9134],
[548.5427 , 447.91125 , 417.26355],
[539.7137 , 417.12695 , 410.80475],
[527.29065 , 386.06387 , 401.62277],
[511.33707 , 354.603 , 390.03043],
[491.9502 , 322.58008 , 376.51495],
[469.2898 , 289.81592 , 361.68512],
[443.60736 , 256.14633 , 346.21814],
[415.27448 , 221.45245 , 330.807],
[384.812 , 185.691 , 316.1075],
[352.91876 , 148.92426 , 302.68533],
[320.5002 , 111.35043 , 290.96313],
[288.6976 , 73.33375 , 281.16788],
[258.78644 , 35.36603 , 273.35956],
[232.07544 , -1.9716597 , 267.46057],
[209.80527 , -38.047462 , 263.28458],
[193.04724 , -72.21711 , 260.56567],
[182.60223 , -103.862366 , 258.98743],
[178.89932 , -132.4294 , 258.21188],
[181.89464 , -157.4672 , 257.90875],
[190.97011 , -178.66599 , 257.78433],
[205.0716 , -195.84584 , 257.58386],
[222.84692 , -208.94507 , 257.09375],
[242.78406 , -218.00899 , 256.14374],
[263.3491 , -223.17831 , 254.6093],
[283.1245 , -224.67773 , 252.41379],
[300.94702 , -222.80458 , 249.5307],
[316.046 , -217.91718 , 245.98593],
[328.18124 , -210.42365 , 241.86],
[337.54666 , -200.77774 , 237.27309],
[344.67392 , -189.47507 , 232.3698],
[350.33572 , -177.04898 , 227.30408],
[355.4496 , -164.06686 , 222.22435],
[360.9813 , -151.126 , 217.25818],
[367.84833 , -138.84973 , 212.49725],
[376.82352 , -127.883484 , 207.98244],
[388.4386 , -118.89083 , 203.68849],
[402.99835 , -112.5219 , 199.54779],
[420.59515 , -109.38173 , 195.47375],
[441.1228 , -109.99862 , 191.38431],
[464.29123 , -114.7926 , 187.22565],
[489.64062 , -124.04375 , 182.99557]
def load_pts2_JSpline3():
""" """
return np.array(
[698.1858 , -185.84529 , 94.35156],
[709.17737 , -183.71832 , 110.71509],
[718.4133 , -185.02779 , 129.75238],
[725.6819 , -190.16574 , 150.46677],
[730.70605 , -199.40988 , 171.74101],
[733.1609 , -212.91669 , 192.4209],
[732.69006 , -230.71426 , 211.39885],
[728.9235 , -252.6957 , 227.69743],
[721.49396 , -278.61203 , 240.55304],
[710.0541 , -308.0653 , 249.49939],
[694.29376 , -340.50186 , 254.45114],
[673.95764 , -375.24652 , 255.63591],
[648.8636 , -411.53754 , 253.52641],
[618.92053 , -448.56085 , 248.77252],
[584.14624 , -485.48474 , 242.13322],
[544.6858 , -521.4944 , 234.40878],
[500.82907 , -555.8264 , 226.3728],
[453.02917 , -587.80334 , 218.70424],
[401.92023 , -616.86835 , 211.9195],
[348.27567 , -642.56946 , 206.39352],
[292.96637 , -664.5444 , 202.38078],
[236.91893 , -682.50494 , 200.03644],
[181.07379 , -696.2214 , 199.43738],
[126.34346 , -705.5074 , 200.60324],
[73.570816 , -710.2041 , 203.51752],
[23.487175 , -710.1648 , 208.1487],
[-23.329414 , -705.2396 , 214.47116],
[-66.43893 , -695.29114 , 222.45169],
[-105.524025 , -680.2096 , 232.03563],
[-140.37482 , -659.9292 , 243.13327],
[-170.87349 , -634.4432 , 255.6062],
[-196.9791 , -603.8198 , 269.25366],
[-218.71214 , -568.2178 , 283.79858],
[-236.13943 , -527.9021 , 298.87433],
[-249.3587 , -483.2596 , 314.01068],
[-258.50708 , -434.77185 , 328.66934],
[-263.76962 , -382.98816 , 342.2791],
[-265.38763 , -328.49878 , 354.27133],
[-263.66745 , -271.9075 , 364.11523],
[-258.98856 , -213.80507 , 371.35303],
[-251.81235 , -154.74184 , 375.63562],
[-242.69043 , -95.2009 , 376.7576],
[-232.27316 , -35.57102 , 374.69257],
[-221.25783 , 23.84044 , 369.57257],
[-210.33664 , 82.794754 , 361.667],
[-200.1449 , 141.10892 , 351.3619],
[-191.20917 , 198.64287 , 339.13916],
[-183.89526 , 255.28653 , 325.5555],
[-178.35654 , 310.94702 , 311.2219],
[-174.48184 , 365.53583 , 296.78253],
[-171.84369 , 418.95596 , 282.89398],
[-169.77026 , 471.09668 , 270.2088],
[-167.4172 , 521.829 , 259.35858],
[-163.8397 , 570.9999 , 250.93733],
[-158.0643 , 618.42804 , 245.48494],
[-149.16092 , 663.8982 , 243.47037],
[-136.31476 , 707.15656 , 245.27512],
[-118.89818 , 747.9054 , 251.17648],
[-96.54272 , 785.7982 , 261.3309],
[-69.12683 , 820.447 , 275.75504]
def load_pts2_JSpline5():
return np.array(
[697.881 , -186.39595 , 95.001495],
[703.5759 , -184.98099 , 102.725204],
[708.8482 , -184.36266 , 111.216415],
[713.67896 , -184.60008 , 120.3697],
[718.04443 , -185.74562 , 130.06683],
[721.916 , -187.84473 , 140.17947],
[725.2611 , -190.93567 , 150.57175],
[728.0436 , -195.04935 , 161.10281],
[730.2243 , -200.20914 , 171.62958],
[731.7617 , -206.43057 , 182.0092],
[732.61237 , -213.72122 , 192.10178],
[732.7311 , -222.0803 , 201.77295],
[732.0721 , -231.49873 , 210.89647],
[730.58936 , -241.95868 , 219.35681],
[728.2367 , -253.43349 , 227.05188],
[724.96893 , -265.88736 , 233.89548],
[720.742 , -279.2752 , 239.82004],
[715.5137 , -293.54242 , 244.77922],
[709.244 , -308.62466 , 248.7504],
[701.89594 , -324.4489 , 251.73271],
[693.4358 , -340.9346 , 253.74484],
[683.834 , -357.99463 , 254.82286],
[673.06555 , -375.5365 , 255.01825],
[661.1104 , -393.46326 , 254.39557],
[647.9544 , -411.67487 , 253.0306],
[633.5896 , -430.06897 , 251.00792],
[618.01465 , -448.54218 , 248.419],
[601.23596 , -466.99112 , 245.36005],
[583.2676 , -485.31335 , 241.92976],
[564.1322 , -503.40857 , 238.22736],
[543.8615 , -521.1798 , 234.35037],
[522.4968 , -538.5344 , 230.39255],
[500.08972 , -555.3848 , 226.4417],
[476.7025 , -571.65027 , 222.5776],
[452.40875 , -587.2573 , 218.86996],
[427.29205 , -602.1397 , 215.37881],
[401.4448 , -616.2376 , 212.15552],
[374.96667 , -629.4973 , 209.24313],
[347.96353 , -641.8707 , 206.67726],
[320.54593 , -653.31506 , 204.48657],
[292.82797 , -663.7917 , 202.6936],
[264.9259 , -673.2666 , 201.31528],
[236.95686 , -681.7091 , 200.36368],
[209.03752 , -689.09204 , 199.8466],
[181.28282 , -695.3907 , 199.76831],
[153.80464 , -700.5825 , 200.1301],
[126.710526 , -704.64685 , 200.93106],
[100.10234 , -707.56433 , 202.16867],
[74.075005 , -709.3161 , 203.83945],
[48.715126 , -709.8838 , 205.9396],
[24.099747 , -709.2487 , 208.4658],
[0.29682064 , -707.3926 , 211.4146],
[-22.634336 , -704.2977 , 214.78206],
[-44.642563 , -699.948 , 218.56335],
[-65.68435 , -694.3287 , 222.75232],
[-85.72339 , -687.4275 , 227.34106],
[-104.730095 , -679.23474 , 232.31943],
[-122.6811 , -669.74426 , 237.67473],
[-139.55879 , -658.9531 , 243.39114],
[-155.35086 , -646.8629 , 249.44942],
[-170.04979 , -633.4799 , 255.82642],
[-183.65237 , -618.8153 , 262.4947],
[-196.15924 , -602.88635 , 269.42194],
[-207.57443 , -585.71594 , 276.57074],
[-217.9048 , -567.334 , 283.89813],
[-227.15973 , -547.7774 , 291.35492],
[-235.35043 , -527.0908 , 298.88568],
[-242.49036 , -505.32547 , 306.42944],
[-248.5954 , -482.53864 , 313.92114],
[-253.68425 , -458.79254 , 321.2923],
[-257.77847 , -434.15387 , 328.4727],
[-260.903 , -408.69244 , 335.3909],
[-263.08627 , -382.48083 , 341.97583],
[-264.3604 , -355.59323 , 348.15753],
[-264.76172 , -328.10468 , 353.86853],
[-264.33075 , -300.0902 , 359.0447],
[-263.1127 , -271.62415 , 363.6266],
[-261.1575 , -242.77904 , 367.56036],
[-258.5203 , -213.62494 , 370.79892],
[-255.2616 , -184.22849 , 373.30322],
[-251.44754 , -154.65227 , 375.043],
[-247.15012 , -124.95366 , 375.99823],
[-242.44754 , -95.18422 , 376.16],
[-237.42262 , -65.39 , 375.53003],
[-232.16103 , -35.61197 , 374.11978],
[-226.74976 , -5.8863983 , 371.95007],
[-221.27548 , 23.754726 , 369.05026],
[-215.82297 , 53.283302 , 365.45773],
[-210.47342 , 82.67473 , 361.2171],
[-205.30281 , 111.90745 , 356.37955],
[-200.3804 , 140.96262 , 351.00235],
[-195.76697 , 169.8237 , 345.14807],
[-191.51324 , 198.47594 , 338.88397],
[-187.65836 , 226.90616 , 332.28137],
[-184.2281 , 255.10217 , 325.4149],
[-181.23338 , 283.05255 , 318.36197],
[-178.66855 , 310.7461 , 311.2021],
[-176.50983 , 338.17142 , 304.0161],
[-174.71368 , 365.3167 , 296.8858],
[-173.21906 , 392.16937 , 289.89307],
[-171.94957 , 418.71606 , 283.11963],
[-170.81589 , 444.94232 , 276.64636],
[-169.71783 , 470.83258 , 270.55286],
[-168.54672 , 496.37003 , 264.91693],
[-167.18762 , 521.53625 , 259.81403],
[-165.52151 , 546.31116 , 255.31664],
[-163.42761 , 570.67316 , 251.49399],
[-160.78558 , 594.5983 , 248.41135],
[-157.47781 , 618.0609 , 246.12953],
[-153.39165 , 641.03284 , 244.70444],
[-148.42165 , 663.48346 , 244.18648],
[-142.4718 , 685.3798 , 244.62012],
[-135.4578 , 706.686 , 246.04324],
[-127.3093 , 727.3633 , 248.48672],
[-117.97214 , 747.3699 , 251.97394],
[-107.40797 , 766.6612 , 256.52002],
[-95.59389 , 785.18994 , 262.13147],
[-82.52203 , 802.9066 , 268.80542],
[-68.19923 , 819.7594 , 276.529],
[-52.646576 , 835.69446 , 285.279],
[-35.899094 , 850.6563 , 295.0209],
[-18.005322 , 864.5881 , 305.70874],
[0.97304964 , 877.4313 , 317.28412],
[20.961565 , 889.1267 , 329.67575],
[41.873386 , 899.6139 , 342.79898],
[63.609673 , 908.8323 , 356.55505],
[86.05996 , 916.7202 , 370.8305],
[109.10254 , 923.21625 , 385.49677],
[132.60486 , 928.259 , 400.40936],
[156.42386 , 931.7871 , 415.40735],
[180.40642 , 933.73987 , 430.31287],
[204.3916 , 934.0581 , 444.935],
[228.2129 , 932.68616 , 459.0735],
[251.70059 , 929.57275 , 472.52286],
[274.68402 , 924.67255 , 485.0763],
[296.9938 , 917.94763 , 496.52954],
[318.4642 , 909.3688 , 506.68463],
[338.93536 , 898.91675 , 515.3541],
[358.25568 , 886.5838 , 522.36475],
[376.2838 , 872.375 , 527.5614],
[392.8914 , 856.30963 , 530.81116],
[407.96497 , 838.4225 , 532.00684],
[421.40845 , 818.76544 , 531.0714],
[433.1453 , 797.40845 , 527.96155],
[443.1209 , 774.44135 , 522.6716],
[451.3048 , 749.9749 , 515.23755],
[457.69293 , 724.14246 , 505.74088],
[462.30573 , 697.09656 , 494.30377],
[465.18567 , 669.00586 , 481.0838],
[466.3953 , 640.05225 , 466.26935],
[466.01526 , 610.42706 , 450.0744],
[464.14172 , 580.32886 , 432.73355],
[460.88492 , 549.9592 , 414.49728],
[456.36627 , 519.5206 , 395.62686],
[450.71692 , 489.21265 , 376.38922],
[444.07513 , 459.229 , 357.0522],
[436.58435 , 429.75436 , 337.87958],
[428.3911 , 400.96136 , 319.12598],
[419.64285 , 373.0073 , 301.03207],
[410.48584 , 346.03094 , 283.81937],
[401.06293 , 320.1496 , 267.68552],
[391.51154 , 295.45587 , 252.79922],
[381.96146 , 272.01437 , 239.29523],
[372.5345 , 249.86414 , 227.27643],
[363.344 , 229.02074 , 216.81598],
[354.49448 , 209.47852 , 207.95927],
[346.0811 , 191.21277 , 200.72595],
[338.18936 , 174.18195 , 195.11212],
[330.8946 , 158.3299 , 191.09225],
[324.2616 , 143.58806 , 188.62126],
[318.34427 , 129.87766 , 187.63663],
[313.185 , 117.11194 , 188.06046],
[308.81445 , 105.19833 , 189.80136],
[305.251 , 94.04071 , 192.75673],
[302.50037 , 83.54156 , 196.81473],
[300.5552 , 73.60422 , 201.85623],
[299.39465 , 64.13504 , 207.75705],
[298.98392 , 55.045666 , 214.3898],
[299.2739 , 46.255157 , 221.62616],
[300.2033 , 37.689915 , 229.33755],
[301.701 , 29.283482 , 237.39603],
[303.68796 , 20.976437 , 245.67511],
[306.07977 , 12.716217 , 254.05069],
[308.78857 , 4.4569798 , 262.40173],
[311.7255 , -3.8405418 , 270.61133],
[314.8026 , -12.209188 , 278.5672],
[317.9354 , -20.675522 , 286.1629],
[321.04474 , -29.259977 , 293.2985],
[324.05923 , -37.977 , 299.88123],
[326.91736 , -46.835205 , 305.82672],
[329.5697 , -55.837517 , 311.05957],
[331.98108 , -64.98132 , 315.51416],
[334.13287 , -74.258606 , 319.13565],
[336.0252 , -83.65612 , 321.8807],
[337.67902 , -93.1555 , 323.7184],
[339.13354 , -102.733765 , 324.62946],
[340.4438 , -112.36373 , 324.60544],
[341.6778 , -122.01449 , 323.64786],
[342.91406 , -131.65187 , 321.76773],
[344.23907 , -141.23889 , 318.98456],
[345.7445 , -150.7362 , 315.32562],
[347.5247 , -160.1026 , 310.82532],
[349.674 , -169.29536 , 305.52414],
[352.28442 , -178.27086 , 299.46826],
[355.4426 , -186.9849 , 292.70853],
[359.22754 , -195.39319 , 285.29974],
[363.70782 , -203.4519 , 277.29987],
[368.9391 , -211.11804 , 268.76944],
[374.96143 , -218.34985 , 259.77057],
[381.79678 , -225.10738 , 250.36632],
[389.44626 , -231.3529 , 240.6199],
[397.8922 , -237.0513 , 230.5946],
[407.1005 , -242.1705 , 220.35394],
[417.0221 , -246.6819 , 209.96146],
[427.59567 , -250.56068 , 199.4808],
[438.74933 , -253.78635 , 188.97571],
[450.40265 , -256.34302 , 178.50996],
[462.46902 , -258.21997 , 168.14737],
[474.8573 , -259.41196 , 157.95178],
[487.4742 , -259.91953 , 147.98706],
[500.2263 , -259.74963 , 138.31708],
[513.02185 , -258.9159 , 129.00566],
[525.7732 , -257.43912 , 120.1166],
[538.3986 , -255.34753 , 111.71365],
[550.8243 , -252.6774 , 103.86048],
[562.9866 , -249.47333 , 96.620705],
[574.83405 , -245.78862 , 90.057816],
[586.3261 , -241.68446 , 84.23411],
[597.43225 , -237.22888 , 79.20952],
[608.13043 , -232.49582 , 75.04056],
[618.40625 , -227.5643 , 71.77915],
[628.2518 , -222.5173 , 69.47156],
[637.6643 , -217.44101 , 68.15721],
[646.64514 , -212.4237 , 67.86763],
[655.19885 , -207.55495 , 68.62529],
[663.3316 , -202.92459 , 70.442505],
[671.05023 , -198.62187 , 73.32034],
[678.3611 , -194.73436 , 77.247444],
[685.26917 , -191.34718 , 82.198944],
[691.77637 , -188.54198 , 88.135376]
def Rodrigues(v: np.ndarray, k: np.ndarray, theta: float):
""" rotate vector v about axis k (unit vector) """
k /= np.linalg.norm(k)
c = np.cos(theta)
s = np.sin(theta)
v_rot = v*c + np.cross(k,v)*s + k*(*(1-c)
return v_rot
def test_Rodrigues():
""" """
# z points up
v = np.array([-2.,0,1.])
k = np.array([0,0,1.])
theta = np.deg2rad(90 + 45)
v_rot = Rodrigues(v,k,theta)
# array([ 1.41421356, -1.41421356, 1. ])
# z points up, but we stay in the plane
v = np.array([2.,0,0.])
k = np.array([1,1,0.])
theta = np.deg2rad(180)
v_rot = Rodrigues(v,k,theta)
# array([-0., 2., -0.])
# def Rodrigues_vectorized(v: np.ndarray, k: np.ndarray, theta: float):
# """ """
# R =
def get_ngon_points(o, i, j, n: int, radius: float):
""" """
dim = 3
if n == 6:
angle = np.deg2rad(360 / n)
hex_coeffs = np.array(
[ 1 , 0 ],
[ np.cos(angle) , np.sin(angle) ],
[ -np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle) ],
[ -1 , 0 ],
[ -np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle) ],
[ np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle) ]
pts = np.zeros((6,dim))
for idx, (a,b) in enumerate(hex_coeffs):
pts[idx] = o + (i * a) + (j * b)
raise RuntimeError
return pts
def test_get_ngon_points():
""" """
o = np.zeros(2)
i = np.array([1,0])
j = np.array([0,1])
pts = get_ngon_points(o, i, j, n=6, radius=1)
pts = np.vstack([pts,pts[0]])
def plot_ngon_mayavi():
""" """
o = np.array([1,1,1])
i = np.array([1,-1,1])
j = np.array([-1,1,1])
# o = np.array([0,0,0])
# i = np.array([1,0,0])
# j = np.array([0,1,0])
points = get_ngon_points(o, i, j, n=6, radius=1)
fig = mayavi.mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1600, 1000))
fig = draw_coordinate_frame_at_origin(fig)
#l = mayavi.mlab.plot3d(x, y, z, np.sin(mu), tube_radius=0.025, colormap="Spectral")
if __name__ == '__main__':
-, implemented here