In nonlinear optimization, one important factor affecting the convergence is the mathematical structure of the object we are optimizing on. In many practical 3D robotics problems this is the $\mathrm{SE(3)}$ manifold describing the structure of 3D Poses.

It is not easy to directly operate on nonlinear manifolds like $\mathrm{SE(3)}$, so libraries like GTSAM uses the following strategy:

  • Linearize the error manifold at the current estimate
  • Calculate the next update in the associated tangent space
  • Map the update back to the manifold with a retract map

We used two distinct but equally important concepts above: 1) the error metric, which is in a PoseSLAM problems is the measure of error between two poses; and 2) the retract operation, which is how we apply a computed linear update back to the nonlinear error manifold.

In GTSAM, you can choose, at compile time, between four different choices for the retract map on the $\mathrm{SE(3)}$ manifold:

  • Full: Exponential map on $\mathrm{SE(3)}$
  • Decomposed retract, which uses addition for translation and:
    • Exponential map $\mathrm{SO(3)}$ with Rotation Matrix
    • Exponential map $\mathrm{SO(3)}$ with Quaternions
    • Cayley map on $\mathrm{SO(3)}$ with Rotation Matrix


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