Table of Contents:

Divide and Conquer Algorithms


Black box for solving recurrence, get an upper bound on the algorithm’s running time

Only relevant when all of the subproblems have exactly the same size (recursing on 1/3 of the array, and then 1/2 of the array), would not be suitable

Recurrence Format:

  1. Base case \(T(n) \leq\) a constant for all sufficiently small \(n\)

  2. For all larger \(n\): \(T(n) \leq a T (\frac{n}{b}) + cn^d\)


\(a\) is number of recursive calls \((\geq 1)\) \(b =\) input size shrink factor \((>1)\) \(d =\) exponent in running time of combine step

[a,b,d independent of n]

Formal Statement of Master Theorem

\[T(n) \begin{cases} O(n^d \log n) & \mbox{ if } a = b^d \mbox{ (Case 1)} \\ O(n^d) & \mbox{ if } a < b^d \mbox{ (Case 2)} \\ O(n^{\log_b a}) & \mbox{ if } a > b^d \mbox{ (Case 3)} \end{cases}\]

At level j in the recursion tree, there are \(a^j\) problems, and each subproblem is of size \(n / b^j\).

Get a bound on the work done at level \(j\)

\[\begin{aligned} & \leq \underbrace{a^j}_{\text{# of level-j subproblems}} \cdot c \Bigg[ \underbrace{ \frac{n}{b^j}}_{\text{size of each level-j subproblem}} \Bigg]^d \\ &= cn^d \cdot [\frac{a}{b^d}]^j \end{aligned}\]

Now, summing over all levels \(j=0,1,2,\dots, \log_b n\):

\[\mbox{Total Work} \leq cn^d \sum\limits_{j=0}^{\log_b n} [\frac{a}{b^d}]^j\]

Surprisingly, Forces of good: \(b^d =\) rate of work shrinkage (RWS) (per sub-problem)

Forces of evil: \(a =\) rate of subproblem proliferation (RSP), function of $$J

Why is the rate of work-shrinkage not just \(b\)? Why is it \(b^d\)? This is because we care about how much work goes down per sub-problem. Linear -> down to half, Quadratic -> down to quarter.

  1. If RSP < RWS, then the amount of work is decreasing with the recursion level \(j\).
  2. If RSP > RWS, then the amount of work is increasing with the recursion level \(j\).
  3. If RSP and RWS are equal, then the amount of work is the same at every recursion level \(j\).

  4. RSP > RWS means most work at the leaves! (leaves dominant), get \(O(\# Leaves)\)
  5. RSP < RWS means less work at each level (most work at the root!) Might expect \(O(n^d)\)
  6. In the tie, there is same amount of work at each level (like MergeSort). Logarithmic number of levels, do \(n^d\) work at each level. So we would expect \(O(n^d \log n)\)

In practice, we see that in case #1, we did not get \(O(\# Leaves)\), but rather \(O(n^{\log_b a})\). Turns out, these are identical, since there are \(a^{log_b n}\) leaves in the recursion tree. Since \(a\) is the branching factor, this process continues until we get to the leaves (number of times we multiply by \(a\)).

In the Equilibrium, \(a=b^d\): \(\begin{aligned} \mbox{Total Work} \leq cn^d \sum\limits_{j=0}^{\log_b n} [\frac{a}{b^d}]^j \\ \mbox{Total Work} \leq cn^d \sum\limits_{j=0}^{\log_b n} [1]^j \\ \mbox{Total Work} \leq cn^d (\log_b n + 1) \end{aligned}\)

It turns out that by the Power Rule of logarithms, i.e. \(y \log_a x = \log_a x^y\), (see a proof here of this rule): link

\[\begin{aligned} a^{\log_b n} &= n^{\log_b a} \\ (\log_b n)(\log_b a) &= (\log_b a)(\log_b n) \end{aligned}\]

While the left side is more intuitive, the right side is easier to apply and evaluate.

Example: MergeSort

Closest Pair


Fast Fourier Transform

\[O(n \log n)\]

Interpolation as solving system of equations for polynomial coefficients.

Shortest Paths

Can convert any undirected graph to a directed graph \(\vec{G} = (V,E)\), by converting each edge to a pair of edges. Each edge has a weight \(w(e)\).

Single Source. In the single-source shortest path problem, we have to find shortest paths from a source vertex \(v\) to all other vertices in the graph.

Classical solution is Dijkstra. Given \(\vec{G}\) and \(s \in V\), we compute \(dist(z)\) for all \(z \in V\). Runs in \(\mathcal{O}\Big( (n+m) \log(n) \Big)\). Requires all edge weights to be positive.

All Pairs. The all-pairs shortest path problem finds the shortest paths between every pair of vertices \(v, v^\prime\) in the graph**.

Floyd Warshall.

Connected Components

Strongly Connected Components

  • Connectivity in a directed graph is measured by SCCs.



Markov Chains


DAGs and Topological Sort

  • Directed Acyclic Graph. Definition: G is a DAG if there are NOdirected cycles.
  • Can just use DFS to check for no cycles in lineartime.
  • Can we order the DAG? (topologically sort it) Yes, run DFS once, then order by decreasing post-order number
  • DAG: topological sort is not unique!



Minimal Spanning Trees (MST)




Dijkstra. Bellman Ford?

Karger Klain Tarjan (KKT) Algorithm


[1] Tim Roughgarden, Lectures.