# Copyright John Lambert
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import pdb
import scipy.linalg
import itertools
def generate_whitened_noise(cov,dim):
return np.squeeze( np.matmul(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(cov),np.random.randn(dim)) )
class MultiHypothesisKalmanFilter():
def __init__(self, num_timesteps):
State and measurement dimension = 2
- num_timesteps: integer denoting number of timesteps for which to run the tracker
- None
self.num_timesteps = num_timesteps
self.num_targets = 3
self.R = 1 * np.eye(self.num_targets*2) # essentially, 3 block diagonal identity mats I_{2 x 2}
self.Q = 0.1 * np.eye(self.num_targets*2)
self.dt = 1.
# TODO: make these uniform later
self.weights = np.array([0.5,0.25,0.25])
self.true_states = [ np.array([0, 0, 10, 0, 20, 0]) ]
self.measurements = []
# true measurement association
self.Ctrue = np.zeros((6 ,6))
self.Ctrue[0:2,0:2] = np.eye(2)
self.Ctrue[2:4,4:6] = np.eye(2)
self.Ctrue[4:6,2:4] = np.eye(2)
self.possible_permutations = self.numpy_perms(self.num_targets)
def generate_sequence(self):
Run simulation of the dynamics and measurement models
for some number of timesteps before the filter is actually executed.
- true_states:
- measurements:
x_t = self.true_states[0] # initial state
y_t = self.h(x_t, add_noise=True)
self.measurements += [y_t]
for t in range(self.num_timesteps-1):
x_t = self.dynamics(x_t, t, add_noise = True)
self.true_states += [x_t]
y_t = self.h(x_t, add_noise=True)
self.measurements += [y_t]
return self.true_states, self.measurements
def h(self, x_t, add_noise=True):
Measurement model for generating measurements y.
- x_t:
- add_noise:
y_t = self.Ctrue.dot( x_t )
if add_noise:
y_t += generate_whitened_noise(self.R,6)
return y_t
def get_initial_state_estimate(self):
- mu:
- cov:
mu = np.zeros((self.num_targets,6))
cov = np.zeros((self.num_targets,6,6))
# loop over the hypotheses (which are true targets initially)
for i in range(self.num_targets):
mu[i] = 0.5 * np.random.rand(6) + self.true_states[0]
cov[i] = 100 * np.eye(6)
return mu, cov
def numpy_perms(self, n):
Python equivalent of Matlab's "perms([1,2,3])"
- n: integer representing total number of indices that can be permuted (e.g. num targets)
indices = np.arange(n)
permut = itertools.permutations(indices)
permut_array = np.empty((0,n), dtype=np.int64)
for p in permut:
permut_array = np.append(permut_array,np.atleast_2d(p),axis=0)
return permut_array[::-1]
def generate_permutation_matrix(self, perm_vec):
- perm_vec: NumPy n-d array of dim () and dtype '', e.g.
- permutation matrix
Ci = np.zeros((6,6))
Ci[0:2, 2*perm_vec[0] : 2*(perm_vec[0]+1) ] = np.eye(2)
Ci[2:4, 2*perm_vec[1] : 2*(perm_vec[1]+1) ] = np.eye(2)
Ci[4:6, 2*perm_vec[2] : 2*(perm_vec[2]+1) ] = np.eye(2)
return Ci
def generate_permutation_matrices(self):
- perm_mats: Python list of 6x6 permutation matrices, with dtype 'float64'
perm_mats = []
for perm_vec in self.possible_permutations:
perm_mats += [self.generate_permutation_matrix(perm_vec)]
return perm_mats
def dynamics(self, x_t, t, add_noise):
x_{t+1}^i = x_t^i + u_t^i + w_t^i
Q is our process noise
- x_t:
- t:
- add_noise:
x_tplus1 = x_t + np.hstack([[ np.cos(0.1*t), np.sin(0.1*t) ],
[ -np.cos(0.2*t), np.sin(0.2*t) ],
[ np.cos(0.1*t), np.sin(0.2*t) ] ])
# add white Gaussian noise
if add_noise:
x_tplus1 += generate_whitened_noise(self.Q, 6)
return x_tplus1
def gauss_pdf(self, x, mu, cov):
- x: the point at which we evaluate
- mu: the mean of the Gaussian
- cov: the covariance of the Gaussian
n = cov.shape[0]
exponent = -0.5 * (x-mu).T.dot(scipy.linalg.inv(cov)).dot(x-mu )
eta = ((2 * np.pi) ** (-n/2.)) * (scipy.linalg.det(cov) ** (-0.5) )
return eta * np.exp(exponent)
def run_mhkf_step(self, mu, cov, t, y_true):
keep only the first three most likely Gaussian components at each step
We multiply measurements from 3 original gaussian with
6 possible permutation matrices. Then we take the top 3 scoring
out of the 18 generated.
# predict
for i in range(self.num_targets):
mu[i] = self.dynamics(mu[i], t, add_noise=False)
cov[i] = np.eye(6).dot(cov[i]).dot( np.eye(6).T ) + self.Q
perm_mats = self.generate_permutation_matrices()
#alphas = np.zeros((self.num_targets * len(self.possible_permutations)))
alphas = []
hypothesis_idx_vec = []
# loop over hypotheses
for j in range(3):
# loop over measurement associations
for i, perm_mat in enumerate(perm_mats):
# this is the expected measurement
gauss_mu = perm_mat.dot(mu[j,:])
gauss_cov = self.R + perm_mat.dot(cov[j]).dot(perm_mat.T)
# these are the scores alpha_{ij}
# # these scores are the probabilities p(y_t | y_{1:t-1} )
alpha = self.weights[j] * self.gauss_pdf(x=y_true, mu=gauss_mu, cov=gauss_cov)
alphas += [alpha] # alpha_vec[ (j-1)*6+i ] = alpha
hypothesis_idx_vec += [j]
# prune from 18 to 3
alphas = np.array(alphas)
top3scores = np.argsort(alphas) # by default, in ascending order
top3_score_idxs = top3scores[::-1][0:3] # reverse, then take top 3 scores
# update each hypothesis from among 18 choices
for i in range(3):
k = top3_score_idxs[i]
perm_mat = perm_mats[k % 6]
self.weights[i] = alphas[k]
hypothesis_idx = hypothesis_idx_vec[k] # this is the trajectory we associated w it
inv = perm_mat.dot(cov[hypothesis_idx]).dot(perm_mat.T) + self.R
inv = scipy.linalg.inv(inv)
K = cov[hypothesis_idx].dot(perm_mat.T).dot(inv)
pred_meas = perm_mat.dot(mu[hypothesis_idx])
mu[i] = mu[hypothesis_idx] + K.dot( y_true - pred_meas)
cov[i] = (np.eye(6) - K.dot(perm_mat)).dot(cov[hypothesis_idx])
self.weights = self.weights / np.sum(self.weights)
return mu, cov
def run_MHKF_filter():
num_timesteps = 50
mhkf = MultiHypothesisKalmanFilter(num_timesteps)
true_states, true_meas = mhkf.generate_sequence()
pred_states = []
pred_state, pred_cov = mhkf.get_initial_state_estimate()
# In Python 3, memory is overwritten in place
for t in range(num_timesteps):
y_true = true_meas[t]
pred_state, pred_cov = mhkf.run_mhkf_step(pred_state, pred_cov, t, y_true)
# must perform deepcopy
pred_states += [np.copy(pred_state)]
pred_states = np.array(pred_states)
true_states = np.array(true_states)
# # Keep around 3 possible hypothesis of assignments
# plt.plot(true_states[:,0],true_states[:,1], 'r', linestyle='solid')
# plt.plot(true_states[:,2],true_states[:,3], 'g', linestyle='solid')
# plt.plot(true_states[:,4],true_states[:,5], 'b', linestyle='solid')
# # # plt.savefig('true.png')
# # Hypothesis 0
# plt.plot(pred_states[:,0,0], pred_states[:,0,1], 'r', linestyle='dashed')
# plt.plot(pred_states[:,0,2], pred_states[:,0,3], 'g', linestyle='dashed')
# plt.plot(pred_states[:,0,4], pred_states[:,0,5], 'b', linestyle='dashed')
# # plt.savefig('pred.png')
# # Hypothesis 1
# plt.plot(pred_states[:,1,0], pred_states[:,1,1], 'r', linestyle='dashdot')
# plt.plot(pred_states[:,1,2], pred_states[:,1,3], 'g', linestyle='dashdot')
# plt.plot(pred_states[:,1,4], pred_states[:,1,5], 'b', linestyle='dashdot')
# # plt.savefig('pred.png')
# # Hypothesis 2
# plt.plot(pred_states[:,2,0], pred_states[:,2,1], 'r', linestyle='dotted')
# plt.plot(pred_states[:,2,2], pred_states[:,2,3], 'g', linestyle='dotted')
# plt.plot(pred_states[:,2,4], pred_states[:,2,5], 'b', linestyle='dotted')
# # plt.savefig('pred.png')
# plt.show()
for t in range(num_timesteps):
# Keep around 3 possible hypothesis of assignments
plt.scatter(true_states[:t,0],true_states[:t,1], 30, color='r', marker='+')
plt.scatter(true_states[:t,2],true_states[:t,3], 30, color='g', marker='+')
plt.scatter(true_states[:t,4],true_states[:t,5], 30, color='b', marker='+')
# # plt.savefig('true.png')
# Hypothesis 0
plt.scatter(pred_states[:t,0,0], pred_states[:t,0,1], 30, color='r', marker='.')
plt.scatter(pred_states[:t,0,2], pred_states[:t,0,3], 30, color='g', marker='.')
plt.scatter(pred_states[:t,0,4], pred_states[:t,0,5], 30, color='b', marker='.')
# plt.savefig('pred.png')
# Hypothesis 1
plt.scatter(pred_states[:t,1,0], pred_states[:t,1,1], 30, color='r', marker='*')
plt.scatter(pred_states[:t,1,2], pred_states[:t,1,3], 30, color='g', marker='*')
plt.scatter(pred_states[:t,1,4], pred_states[:t,1,5], 30, color='b', marker='*')
# plt.savefig('pred.png')
# Hypothesis 2
plt.scatter(pred_states[:t,2,0], pred_states[:t,2,1], 30, color='r', marker='p')
plt.scatter(pred_states[:t,2,2], pred_states[:t,2,3], 30, color='g', marker='p')
plt.scatter(pred_states[:t,2,4], pred_states[:t,2,5], 30, color='b', marker='p')
# plt.savefig('pred.png')
# plt.pause(0.01)
# #plt.close()
# plt.gcf.clear()
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':